With the Goodison Group in Scotland, the Futures Forum has been investigating the future for schooling, education and learning in Scotland, looking to 2030 and beyond.
In a series of interactive seminars, participants from a wide range of backgrounds, including education, academia, government and business, have been asked to consider our aspirations for education and learning in 2030 and beyond.
What could become a reality? What are the implications for education and learning when the future is uncertain and continues to change rapidly? What capacities will people of all ages need to develop to thrive in this type of environment? How will education and learning help shape our culture and society?
This draft scenario is designed to be aspirational – to provoke thoughts, ideas and responses. It is not a prediction.
Education in 2030

This scenario explores the context for education – politically, socially and in curriculum terms – along with the role of teachers and learners in a future education system.
In it, politicians and policymakers have set out a clear, long-term vision for education, which was drawn up in consultation with teachers, learners, the voluntary sector and businesses. This has led to a shared understanding of the purpose of education, in addition to greater trust of learners and educators.
Power and funding have been devolved to a local level to allow schools to deliver that vision, with the willing support from all sections of the local community. There are regular and transparent reviews into how the vision is being delivered; while teachers and learners have a stake in that process, there is a society-wide understanding that accountability requires openness and not just blame.
For more information on the discussions that contributed to these scenarios, along with further information on the project as a whole, visit our Future Education and Learning pages.