The Scottish Parliament's think-tank

Fostering Cultures of Innovation

Colourful post-it notes

Monday 28 November 2016, at the Scottish Parliament


Throughout 2016, Scotland’s Futures Forum supported the Scottish Universities Insight Institute programme on Fostering Cultures of Innovation.

The final workshop held at the Scottish Parliament on 28 November, where the five funded projects presented their findings.

Community land ownership

Rewriting the rulebook of landownership: analysing and assessing the economics of community land ownership

Stroke rehabilitation

Adoption of stroke rehabilitation technologies by the user community

The circular economy

Fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation to drive the circular economy in the Scottish bioeconomy

Workplace innovation

Progressive and creative practice in workplace innovation 

Health and social care

Understanding, forming and fostering a culture of transformative innovation in health and social care

Emerging themes

In this video, SUII Director Charlie Woods talks through the themes emerging from the different projects: inclusion, investment and integration.
